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The Lord's Day is Special at Maranatha

     Sunday is the Lord's Day, the special day of the week that we set aside to worship Almighty God, and it's a special time for all of us to be together in Bible study, heartfelt worship, corporate prayer, and wonderful fellowship. Perhaps the Lord will lead you to join us some Sunday.

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Sunday Adult Bible Study--
at 10 a.m.

   Studying the Bible is important at any age, for the Bible is God's instruction book for living and is one keyway God reveals Himself to us. In it, we learn about God Himself, of our need for Him, and of how He makes forgiveness for sin available to us through the finished work of His Son Jesus Christ's death on the Cross and subsequent Resurrection. And studying the Bible prepares us for the future, for it contains true prophecy, telling us of what is to come--in both this world and the hereafter.

 AAt present, the Bible study is focusing on lessons about the Trinity and daily current events in our world today and how they connect to Bible prophecy.

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Sunday Worship & Corporate Prayer at 11 a.m.

   Our Sunday worship consists of lifting our voices together to praise Almighty God through songs and hymns and spiritual songs, of the reading of His Holy Word (the Bible), of sharing our personal praises and prayer requests, of corporate prayer, of sweet fellowship together, and of course, of hearing Pastor John teach on the Truth found in Scripture--with details that make it all understandable and very relevant to everyday life.   

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Fellowship Time--
Time to Talk & Share A Meal

  True fellowship is more than just talking; it is being able to truly share one's joys and sorrows, or triumphs and challenges. It is feeling safe enough to share one's heart, and it is an important part of what a local church is supposed to be: a place that provides for just such a thing. On Sundays, we have time for real sharing, and we normally share a simple meal together as well.

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