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     Here at Maranatha Baptist Fellowship, we take Jesus' command to go and make disciples of all nations seriously (Matthew 28:19a), and we understand that people often also need practical help for the challenges they face in our modern world. Therefore, we have chosen to support a variety of Christian mission organizations whose impact for spreading the Gospel and helping people extends from our local community to others in New Jersey and nearby states, and, indeed, to people in numerous countries around the world.

     The Bible says, ". . . Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, . . . (Luke 12:48b), and so we reach out to help others come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and to help them meet their practical needs as well, so that we might truly be doing unto others as we would have them do unto us (see Matthew 7:12).


American Baptist Churches of NJ

Supporting and ministering to other Baptist believers in the State of New Jersey.

Awake O'Israel

Coming alongside those involved in ministry to the Jewish people, including outreaches in Portland and New York City.

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CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ)

Supporting those ministering to and reaching out to students here in the U.S., helping finance the work of The Jesus Film, and contributing to the work of international CRU missionaries.

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New Hope Philly

An inner city ministry in South West Philadelphia, New Hope Philly is discipling men that have come out of life-dominating sin and addiction. Its purpose is to build up and send out ministers and missionaries to share the Hope of Jesus Christ and to make a positive impact in the community. 


Slavic Gospel Association

Contributing to this worthy organization's work with churches in Russia, the former Soviet countries of Eastern Europe, and Central Asia--areas where they've ministered since 1934--to share the Gospel, help train leaders for the church, and help the hurting and forgotten in the name of Jesus.


Race Track Missions

Sponsoring the work of outreach and ministry to those involved in horse-racing in connection with the racetrack in Philadelphia.


Middle East Ministries

Supporting individual Christian missionaries' work in countries in this part of the world.

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America's Keswick

Reaching out with financial and in-kind support to those in Central New Jersey who are dedicated to helping people get free of addictions by providing effective Christ-centered addiction recovery programs.

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Chalk Talks

Helping to make possible regular Gospel presentations around the country and indirectly to provide evangelism training by supporting those called to this ministry.

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Truth for Women

Providing practical in-kind gifts and financial support, so that women who were caught up in sex trafficking can find freedom and new, productive and peace-filled lives.

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Friendship House of New Beginnings

Helping pregnant women in a number of ways through donations and financial support of this ministry, which also helps women learn to budget their money and get their GED and other needed education.

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Great Expectations Pregnancy Center

Helping to provide pregnant women with a safe haven in which to have their babies as well as with training on how to care for them and move on positively in life.

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Commission to Every Nation (CTEN)

CTEN is a servant organization helping missionaries fulfill the unique vision God has given them. Through administrative support, they provide accountability and they help missionaries get to the field. Through pastoral care, they help them remain effective and healthy while there. We partner with them in this important work.

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